Cambs West & Cambs East County International Opportunities Day
Are you interesting in taking part in an international trip or finding more out about international opportunities as a Guide/ Young Leader/ Ranger and will be between the ages of 14 -18 as of 22 July 2026 – 22 July 2027?
Then why not register for this event on Saturday 8th of March from 10 am to 4 pm at Barnwell Scout Hut in Cambridge, to find out more about different international opportunities that you can participate in. To attend the international opportunities day is free but girls will need to bring a packed lunch and an activity to share with other girls.
You will get to meet other Guide/ Young Leader/ Rangers from across both Girlguiding Cambridgeshire West and Girlguiding Cambridgeshire East. You’ll also be able to find out more about the international trips which Girlguiding Cambridgeshire West and Girlguiding Cambridgeshire East will be running jointly in 2026 and potential 2027.
There will also be an opportunity to be put forward for a Girlguiding Anglia Region trip being run in either 2025 or 2026, as Girlguiding Cambridgeshire West and Girlguiding Cambridgeshire East are able to put forward four girls each. If put forward, the girls will need to attend a Girlguiding Anglia Region International Day in October, date is still to be confirmed.
Sign up here
What will the International Opportunities Day consist of?
- The girls will take part in team building activities and learn about different
cultures outside of the UK.
- There will be opportunities to try different food from around the world.
- The last part of the day, we will invite parents to come along and have a
presentation about the different international opportunities and for them to ask
What will the girls need to bring on the international opportunities day?
- Girls will need to bring a sufficient packed lunch with drinks.
- Girls will also need to prepare an activity/ game/ icebreaker which they will
share with the other girls during the day.
Is there any additional paperwork which will need to be complete by the girls?
- Once registered, parents will be sent a participant expression of interest form
and a Girlguiding Information and Consent form, which both will need to be
completed by Friday 28th Feb 2025. This will allow the County International
Advisers to know a bit about the girls before they attend the international
opportunities day.
- We also ask for a letter of recommendation from the girl’s leaders to be sent in
to the Girlguiding Cambridgeshire West County Office.
Where are the joint Girlguiding Cambridgeshire West and Girlguiding Cambridgeshire East trips in 2026?
- The joint trips will be to Iceland in the summer of 2026.
- There will also be the opportunity to be selected for a trip to Kenya in 2026
which already has some girls selected for from the 2024 International
Opportunities Day.
- Costs are currently to be confirmed.
Where are the Girlguiding Anglia Region trips for 2026 and 2027?
These are currently TBC.
How will the girls be expected to pay for the international trips?
- Girls will be expected to fundraise and write to individuals/ organisations for
grants for the cost of the trip.
- Guidance on how to fundraise will be provided to girls selected for the trips.
I have a questions, which has not be answered?
- Please use the contact us function and we can get the information added.